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Hello Park + Ingka Centres, Russia

  • Opening date 19.03.2022
  • Park size 400 m²
  • Number of attractions 13

The grand opening of the first Hello Park in collaboration with INGKA Centers Holding took place on March 19! The park opened at the address: Mega Teply Stan, Kaluzhskoe shosse, km 21.

Together we have made this project even more diverse, paying more attention to customer experience. The park is 400 m2 and contains 13 amazing attractions and unique decorations.

The park space is delicately integrated into the existing mall environment so visitors will have a spectacular view of the park from the shopping gallery. We have done an impeccable job with lighting and laser projections. Special attention should be paid to the completely new family co-working area in our park, where you can stay close to your child while doing your work or enjoyable activities.

Also we have implemented new party rooms, a cozy cafe, and an avatar zone, where visitors can personalize their images and with the help of RFID-wristbands a unique avatar will accompany a child in all Hello Park games. In the future we plan to develop this project, and based on the existing games located in the park, we plan to create individual content with educational themes: science, ecology, pollution, etc.


Kaluga highway, 21st km, Mega Teply Stan shopping mall

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